One of the things that I think is that the world is divided and multiplied. It is divided in two: the concept of the thing and the thing itself. This is how I see it: A woman exist, for example, and her existence is unique. But there's also a concept of this woman, that is multiple, because there's not only one concept about her: there's the concept that she has of herself, the concept that has her mother of her, the concept that has his father about her, and therefore the concept of all the persons that come into apparent contact with her existence. And the concept multiplie even more when, for example, a man meets her and creates a concept about this woman, and this concept comes into conflict with the concept this man has about the general women, and with the concept he has of the woman he wants to have, and the concept this man has of himself respect her, and the concept this man has about how he wants to feel when he's with her... etcetera. But even with all this multiplied concepts, if I had to simplified the theory I'll divide all between the existence of the woman (unique), and the concept about this woman (intinite.)
The problem of this divided world starts when this woman and the concept about this woman, are absolutely different: I mean, for example, that this woman is selfish, but someone or everyone have a generous concept about her.
The concept about someone always differs from the person itself, but if the concept differs so much from the person the conflict is that the emotion those people think they feel for this woman are not real emotion that belongs to the woman, the emotions belong to her concept (totally wrong), making that if someone loves her for not be selfish, doesn't really love her because she actually is selfis, but not her concept. If someone fall in love with her thinking that she is generous, doesn't love here because doesn't know her: he falls in love with her concept and not with the person.
The distortion between the person and the concept about the person is very common, but if the distortion goes to the extreme it is not responsability of those who creat this concept so far of reality, it is resposablility of the person who allows and feeds this distortion.
The reasons of why this woman could "want" to the other love or hate a concept so away from her reality it must be principally a way to protect herself, until it comes a moment that she ends up doing hurt to herself, because if nobody knows who you really are, and nobody hates you or loves you, or knows you, or sees you, you get invisible, and you're alone.