domingo, 17 de enero de 2010


MY FIRST HAIKUS written 3 years ago:
April four / east, same date / in the west
In spring / blossom the flowers, / and I was born.
It's in autumn / where everything dies, / and I celbrate.
Have my birthday / far from where I was born / disturbed me.
Between garlands, / at the hour of blow the candles, / I think about death

Previously on EFFYMINE: A woman was transformed in her own secret. // Elizabeth wants to live better endings. // She started a process, is going to start a career. // A same act can seems right from one side. // What are you going to do, Elizabeth? Would you try to not analize all from that side where you are so alone, where you think that you deserve to continue alone? // "I know it sounds stupid, but I'm afraid." // There's going to happen good and bad things, the important is that they happen.

Today, Episode nº18: The own mark. (F-yright)

The new year shows itself as a sequence of events without interruption (past, present and future). The days go on and Elizabeth can diagram in her haed the next months like doors that open and close. It is far, but she is already thinking about her birthday. This never used to happen. She play and try to guess, to imagine: Is she going to keep working for then? If she is, she will work that day. Is she going to see her father and her sister? Is she going to do something with her friends? Will she must study for some exam? It is far away, but just for fun Elizabeth imagines unreal situations about her birthday. Isn't the human mind strange? A woman, tired of being her own secret and who doesn't believe in the calendar, is tied to it. Would it be the need of hold on to something, hold on to some hope no matter how unreal it is? No, it wouln't. She can see her imaginary world turns more and more real, even if she stills invisible.

There is a long way, girl, you are just started, but it can be percibe, not as much for the others, that every act, every decision, every moment it is not left to be the result of an abandoned person, it has your seal, your own mark.

Elizabeth is making herself, decorating her surroundings.Little by little she is more and more Elizabeth, and not another one. She makes mistakes, rights, but they are of her. She is breathing, sh is breathing! She is still hidden under all that skin, all those fears, that perjudice, but she already can feel herself vibrate.

Do not stop, Elizabeth, you have already been deep down in yourself, now it's time of come out to share all those treasures that you found, all that shit that you don't want anymore.