A classmate from high school was saddly sitting on the stairs for something that had happened between his parents. It was on April and my parents seemed happy. I had a strong feeling of emphaty so I said: "My parents are separating". He believed me, I didn't believe to myself. On July they sat me down with my sister and they asked us if we saw it coming. She said no and cried at her room. I smiled: I had already processed the split.
Previously on EFFYMINE: You're alone. // Since when does Elizabeth exist? // Once that you are aware of being alive, in the unconscious it's more problable to die that to change. // She looks at the watch, she knows that it lies. // "It's time already". // Define ourself in based of the denial is denay the definition of ourself. // We use shortcuts that end up distancing us from the goal, make us believe that we already get there. // The time is an invention for do not get lost, but we get lost anyway.
Today, Episode nº7: The waiting. (F U Ready?)
Elizabeth was born ahead of herself. Her present is the future of the others, and the present of the others is her past. Now she not only has to deal with distortion between her existence and her representation, also has to do it with the inexistent time. Both distortion are tightly related.
For the correction of the first one Elizabeth must act proactively, for the second one Elizabeth just need to being pacient and wait until the time of others sync with hers... until the others to be ready for something that she is ready since before she was born.
She sits to wait and thinks "It's time already, I'm ready", and the clockwise keep moving in its course that simulates the progression of time. "I'm ready" she repits and remains seated. Everyday she says "I'm ready", and little by little the time of the others is coming a step closer to her present, to her truth, to her existence, to do little by little more null any distortion that makes her unhappy.
She knows that she could not wait, she could forget the world and move forward, and make her time already advanced keeps having advantage over the rest, but she knows the danger... the terrible thing about live so far from the invented time in wich live whom are around her: she would turn mad, she woul kill herself, she would forget her struggle for the truth.
So Elizabeth struggles, and waits, minewhile she repits again to herself: "I'm ready" and wait the echo, the coming, the "me too" of those that still aren't ready, and believes loving her.