lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2009


From the sewer came out a two-dimension creature with triangular teeth. They sedated him and locked him in a cell. I used my sad enchantments for the security let me see him. He was beautiful in the dark. I asked him if he wanted to be my friend, he acepted with good mood. I told him that I would help him to escape, but first he would must promise to me something in return: once outside he must use his teeth to kill me. Silence. "I promise". I woke up.

Previously on EFFYMINE: Elizabeth was born ahead of herself. // The time is an invention to not get lost, we get lost anyway. // "It's time already". // The love doesn't exist, is something for Elizabeth and something else for another woman. // She must struggle with the distortion between her existene and her representation. // If nobody knows you, or sees you, you are alone. // She knows the danger, the terrible thing: she would turn mad, she would kill herself. // "I'm ready."

Today, Episode nº8: Help! (F.O.F.)

To help someone, and/or make something for his good, also are two concepts that are affected by the the subjectivity of the subject that believes he do the best, and by the one of the person in wich impact his actions. Elizabeth saw so many times her parents repit the same mistake. Many times the persons justify their bad ways for their good ends, just like Machiavelli (good ends justify bad things) but they do not recognize themself as Machiavellian but victims of their good intentions. Then, when they ask for forgiveness they don't seems to apologize for having behaved badly, but for have been too well-intentioned. And if you don't forgive them suddenly you're the bad one, the one who behave badly.
I think that lie to a man and then say that it was for his good is one of the most twisted, horrible and coward things that someone can do. Of who is the good if there's a lie?
Elizabeth doesn't want to lie, doesn't want to lie to herself, and she knows the flavor of discover herself deceived. She forgives, always forgives because she knows how to do it, but she cant stop her feeling, her remembers, she can not forget what she learned from that bitter flave, from whom were the responsible for that she is now better, more truly.
She promises to herself never to do that, never to be coward. Very times she is afraid, but more afraid she feels if she find herself lying. She forces herself to not be limited to know the truth, also applies it, and accepts the consecuences.
She try to be real, doesn't play being good, or heroine of anyone, doesn't try to think that she knows what is good for the others and justified herself. She builds her own good, and when she asks for help, when she finally do it, she y cuando pide ayuda, cuando al fin lo hace, specifically says, explains, shout: how you could help her, how you are not helping, what is her truly good, and what she doesn't excpect from you, (even if being sitting, watching the time, she seems to excpect it all.) Do not believe what you suppose to do... neither she nor the truth is so obvious.
Go to the next episode