Previously on EFFYMINE: Elizabeth was born in 1988. // Just wearing clothes of man she feels the approval of the world, so dressed like a man she faces another day. // Do you like to be different? // The secret of Elizabeth should be that she was born with penis. // In this world, divided and multiplied, with inner worlds and complex relations, and wrong concepts, a woman was transformed to be her own secret. // "I am ready." // Her true identity is so secret that her existence is in danger, and she needs to scream: "I do exist!" // She knows the danger, the terrible thing... // Nobody knew she was alive until that moment.
Today, Episode nº15: The false endings. (the ABC ends in F)
We are constantly projecting false endings... we think where we will be at the end of the year, when we'll graduate, with who we will share the rest of our lifes... We set goals, imagine that moment of being complete. I, for example, many times think that I will be happy the day I'll have my own bar, but is that all? Is that really the day?
The most absurd thing about this representation about the outcomes is that life is not like fiction, and even if it would be, was Snow White happy forever? What happened after she get married? Would the prince cheat on her with another or was he true but sucks at bed? Anyway, why the story ends in that moment? It couldn't ended sooner when Snow White bites the apple and just get sleeped? Why the ending is in that moment and not before or a couple years latter when she got childrens?
If you think about it, that election can be applied at real life. How many endings did you have and how many still remains you to live? Your life ended in so many ways tht you didn't notice it because you're still living, and life isn't more than a sequence of posible false endings.
The ending of Elizabeth can be choosed too. Can ends the day she decided to die, or the day she didn't make it. It can ends maybe at the psychiatric. Yes, I like that: Elizabeth ends mad, celebrating the new year locked up. We can keep that ending, but two years passed, two years where Elizabeth was outside, reassembled her life, took distance from her father and the lies. Twe years where Elizabeth grew up. Now the story can ends in the day she decided to live, and cried in the arms of her mother asking for help. Or the day in wich she finnally get an appointment with the doctor who can help her. But it continues. Where will you end at, Elizabeth? Will you end like a prostitute? Will you end happy? Will Mr H love you? Will someone love you at least?
The new year is coming, Elizabeth can hear again the voice of a woman giving her orderds of raise up her glass. No, Elizabeth is not going to raise it, she will not take orders of nobody. She dials the phone and expects him to answer. In the other side her father keeps a silence after a question: "Do you want to celebrete together the comming of the new year?"
Elizabeth wants better endings. The father accepts.