Previously on Effymine: Effy makes an introduction but doesn't say much, and wrote about a vision of one world divided (between the thing, and the concept of the thing) and multiplied (just the concept), plus the existence of inner worlds that change with a strange conection to what happens or doesn't happen in the real world. // The problem of this divided world starts when this woman and the concept about her are absollutly different. // You're alone
Today, Episode nº4: Being different. (the F Country)
The woman divided between her existence (unique) and her concept (multiple), whit her inner world that flows and connect to the real world in wich we are living, has no name, but we can call her Elizabeth.
For me there was always a important difference between being unique and being different. An unique person it is that without needing a comparison with another person, it's a virtue.The woman divided between her existence (unique) and her concept (multiple), whit her inner world that flows and connect to the real world in wich we are living, has no name, but we can call her Elizabeth.
Being different, on the other hand, it's to be something by opposition, is a quality that it's not proper to the person. Nobody is different without an other. And being different can mean a virtue, but also can be a defect.
For Elizabeth, in her childhood, there was not difference between "different" and "unique" because the only thing that used to reconfort her was that if she felt so different from the rest of the world was as consequence of being unique. Not for that she was filled with proud - even if it seems to -, in fact, in very opportunities she wished to not feel different with her peers. Thinking her unique was just a consolation, very useless in a system of ants.
The concepts suches the love, the diffence, the normal, the fear, etcetera, contrary to the persons (that do exist), are not divided between their existence and their representation, just exist their representation, that it's multiple, infinite and varied. The love is not love itself, it is something for Elizabeth, and it's another thing for another woman, and it's another thing for another man. Being different neither is the same for everyone.For Elizabeth, in her childhood, there was not difference between "different" and "unique" because the only thing that used to reconfort her was that if she felt so different from the rest of the world was as consequence of being unique. Not for that she was filled with proud - even if it seems to -, in fact, in very opportunities she wished to not feel different with her peers. Thinking her unique was just a consolation, very useless in a system of ants.
Elizabeth, that at first must consoled of feeling different thinking that it was a virtue, now can stop cheating herself, becaus she understands - according to her conception - where resides her difference, that nothing has to do with the difference she knows the others believe she has.
If a man ask her today if she likes to be different, she'll ask him what he means with "different", because she knows that this word represent to her something different to the concept with what the man make his question.
Elizabeth is not ten years old anymore.If a man ask her today if she likes to be different, she'll ask him what he means with "different", because she knows that this word represent to her something different to the concept with what the man make his question.