Preciously on EFFYMINE: She started a process, she is going to start a career. // A same fact can seems right from one side. // "I know that it sounds silly, but I'm afraid." // Good and bad things are going to happen. // She can see her imaginary world turn more and more real, even if she remains invisible.
Today, Episode nº19: A kind of fairy tale. (Vitamina F)
Meanwhile Mrs Dalloway woke up a morning and bought flowers, Elizabeth had an impulse and without think it she bought an agenda. This impulse can be called in many ways: life, future, hope, projects. The night before was the first time she stayed to sleep at her father's house. She wrote it down in the corresponding day, and made a drawing of a dragonfly. She wrote many things that happened at the first month of the year, also made some draws. She wrote it too what is expecting her: the appointment with her doctor, the start of universtiy, the birthdays.
Elizabeth is happy, didn't sleep well, in fact, she nearly slept an hour in the night, and she is very sleepy, but even so she is happy. It is hard to explain why she couldn't sleep, we can simplified to that she is not use to sleep out of her house, but she didn't care, the important thing is that she stayed, she didn't escape, she didn't kill herself.
Another relevant thing that makes it hard to have a good sleep was the insects issue (here is the explication of the drawing that she did). When she seems to finally get rested, she heard the flapping of a dragonfly thet had entered to her room. She got scared, jumped out of bed and woke up his father to kill it. He killed her (not to Elizabeth, to the dragonfly) and for be sure that he really killed her, the daughter asked him to show her the corpse. "It's OK, do not throw it away, you can leave it in the frame of the window" she said more calm. Both were with the heart racing: Elizabeth because of the insect, the father because of the screaming.
In her new agenda there are two times the drawing of an eye with a tear, that means that in 15 days she cried (really cried) two times. She also wrote in two different days the words: "positive effect", wich means that in that same time she lived two facts of deep impact in her significa que en ese mismo lapso de tiempo vivenció dos hechos de impacto profundo en mental wellbeing.
Today she will draw a big smile because Elizabeth goes forward, she is a closer step to eliminate any distortion in herself. Soon she will start to take what she calls "vitamine F".
This is just the beginning, but she already like this 2010.
Once that the father went back to sleep, Elizabeth took her digital camara and made thousands of pictures of that dead dragonfly. Elizabeth can, must and want to be Elizabeth. She is alive.